What comes to your mind when you hear the word betrayal? Some may think that it is unacceptable in all forms and some may think that it can be seen as honorable under certain circumstances. My ultimate definition of betrayal would be to have someone i have instilled my complete and utter trust in, deceive me. In my opinion i can see where betrayal can be used for good, but it should only be used to a certain extent; If you are lying to someone for their own sake as opposed to lying to someone with only malicious intent, there is good in that. We always see things about 'so and so cheating on her husband' when really it should say 'woman with standards cheats on her abusive husband who also happens to be an alcoholic' but people still say how the woman is such a bad person and that she betrayed her husband to a horrid extend. In instances like that, there will always be two sides because some people might not consider the actions of the husband provoking this woman's cheating and some might think she had every right to do that to her husband, so it really just depends on the person. Has American modern culture molded our perception of betrayal perhaps? Even though i think betrayal can be justified under certain circumstances, todays society has made the act of betrayal seem much less malicious then it actually is and are more lenient on people who betray others.