Friday, February 22, 2013

The Evolution Of Music

It is no secret that the world of music is constantly evolving. The music we are familiar with now is much different than the music that was popular when we were children, and is even more contrasting to the music our elders listened to in their younger years. When I think about my opinion on the evolution of music, I find myself at a crossroads. The baby boomer generation, for example, mostly considers the golden age of music to be long gone. Many who I have spoken to on the subject believe The Beatles have been the greatest band to ever live and no one has come close to matching their talent. Meanwhile, I have also heard opinions from others who have embraced the new forms of music and view"imitation as the sincerest form of flattery"concerning modern artists whose talents resemble the style of those that have come before them.
One thing is for certain- the variation of music genres and artists that have developed in modern time is superior to any other in the history of the music industry. Lady Gaga, for example, is an artist that can be described as extremely unique to say the least, and her music style is different that anything seen before her. Many people feel uneasy and are very critical of that, while others find it refreshing. I don't think the world will ever come to an agreement on whether the music industry has upgraded or downgraded because everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and opinion. I personally believe that all eras of music have their pros and cons, just like anything else in this less than perfect world. Do you think some people are somewhat hostile towards forms of modern music because they are uncomfortable with the idea of change in general? What is your opinion on the subject?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Has Medicine Gone Too Far?

The topic of In Vitro Fertilization has always been extremely controversial. For some, this process has given them their greatest blessings that they wouldn't have been able to conceive naturally, and others condemn it as morally unjust.
In a post on the Belief Blog, Sean Savage explains his negative opinion towards the Catholic Church's beliefs on conceiving through alternative methods. Sean himself identifies as a Catholic, yet considers the Church's belief on IVF "discriminatory", which has stunned members of their church. He proudly explains him and his wife's personal experience with In Vitro after many unsuccessful fertility treatments. Sean explains his gratitude for the IVF treatment for blessing them with their third child. There are millions of couples in the world who have been in the same position as the Savages due to medical conditions. As scientific research continues to grow, more modern procedures are created everyday. These procedures provide individuals with opportunities they would have never gotten normally, whether it be IVF, reconstructed limbs, etc. This particular blog post uses very positive diction related to the blessings In Vitro can provide and expresses negativity towards the belief that sexual intercourse is the only moral method of conception.

At an opposing end of the spectrum, a post in Fertility Blog expresses some not so kind words on the topic of In Vitro. This blog took a very different approach that could be classified as Logos using statistics and dropping exact dollar amounts concerning the subject. The IVF process is linked to the modern world and media in this blog, which may be hinting that technology is partially to blame. The writer describes the opinions of critics who believe that the actual process, along with the unused eggs, is "going against nature and natural selection".  At the end of the blog, the writer provided questions for readers to ask themselves in order to form an opinion. I would consider these questions as somewhat one-sided, putting shame to any "artificial" method of conception. The question that specifically caught my attention was "If a couple is infertile, should we view this as natural selection at work?". This automatically stirs up the never ending religion vs. science debate, in which both may respond "Yes" to the question without taking into consideration the factors that are unique to every couple.

In Vitro Fertilization is seen as a blessing to some and as a curse to others. There is no doubting that this topic will forever be considered controversial. When it comes to medicine, where is the stopping point, if any?

Friday, February 1, 2013

My Life's Mission

It isn't uncommon to hear that changes in major and plans for the future occur everyday. I take pride in believing that I have been blessed with knowing what I want to do with my life ever since I can remember. Being a doctor and helping people is what I truly believe I was put on this earth to do. I have an unmatched sense of compassion for the ill and underprivileged. When I was a child, I remember watching the Discovery Health Channel as opposed to cartoons every morning. Being able to change one's future or giving someone a new chance at life is something that I know I must do for others who cannot provide that for themselves.
 Many adults always told me to keep an open mind and they advised me to not be discouraged if I were to make changes after coming to college due to the extensive workload associated with a Pre Med Major. I would always politely respond but knew deep down that I would make my dream come true no matter what it took. After having attended Texas A&M for two years, I have been surrounded by hundreds of students with the same aspirations as me, yet I have also seen many students give up on their dreams in order to pursue an easier, less time consuming career path. No matter how tough school continues to become, my determination has never wained. I aspire to become an Obstetrician because I believe life is a precious gift and want to help women bring new life into the world. Once I have years of experience under my belt I am determined to make my dream come true and become a member of the Doctors Without Borders team. I will then have the opportunity to travel to third world countries and provide the underprivileged women with the safest birthing process possible.
I take every opportunity I can to become more educated and skillful to prepare for the life plans I have ahead of me. I will do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals in life. I use the set backs I encounter in life as motivation to keep me focused. I look forward to the future when I am able to give back to my community and those who never stopped believing in me.